Thursday, April 7, 2011

To representatives of the world's religions:

God; whether you call him or her God, Allah, Vishnu, Yahweh, Buddha, or any other name, is Perfect Love.  Any Law that is written in any holy text, book, tract or scroll that seeks to divide one group of humans from another is not God's Law, but ours. When we seek out our differences and use them to make judgments that one group is somehow less than the other, even by something so small as their understanding of God, then we are practicing an imperfect love. This is not the Perfect Love of God.

So go to your holy books and texts and look for those places where division is called for. They exist in every book. I have read them in new testaments of the Bible, in the Tripitaka, in the Q'uran, in the Upanishads, the Laws of Manu, and the Torah. But I am just a rank amateur. Go you, holy men and women, experts in your practice, and find these things in your own texts. Find these places where your texts have this imperfect love, and call out your own faults. Discuss them amongst yourselves, in your own houses, and discuss them openly, with others.

In order for us to have peace, each of us must admit we are imperfect. No disagreement was ever solved without each party admitting their part in it. You can neither win nor lose an argument with a person who declares themselves perfect; such a person is unreasonable – there is truly no reasoning with them. By declaring perfection, you give others a choice: they can yield to you, go around you if possible, or fight with you. Ask yourself what is in the nature of most humans and you will see why it is important to admit imperfection.

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